Hello everyone!

Two new virtual psycho-education topics are now open to register for in December. Details of dates & times are found in this issue. Spaces are also still available for the upcoming session dates in November. Email Tara Maxwell to reserve your place in a session: tmaxwell@cmhastarttalking.ca

To learn about the ways you can help the Canadian Mental Health Association of Simcoe County's Youth Shine Campaign for a Youth Mental Health Centre, scroll below for more information and find the link to donate.

 In this Issue:

• Virtual Family Caregiver Psycho-Education: RSVP now

• Francophone Mental Health and Addiction Navigator

• Youth Shine Campaign - Youth Mental Health Centre

• BounceBack Ontario

• Crisis Services

Take care and stay safe, Tara Maxwell.


Virtual Family Caregiver Psycho-Education

These sessions will be offered on the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) website. You may turn off your camera for your comfort and confidentiality during the session.

November, you can still RSVP

• Caregiving & Emotions

• Coping Through the Holidays

December, you can RSVP now

• Family Caregivers Mental Health: Anxiety & Depression

• Habits, Routines & Self-Care

RSVP as soon as you know which date you can attend. Details on how to register and joining a session are included on the posters. 

RSVP by Emailing Tara Maxwell tmaxwell@cmhastarttalking.ca

Caregiving & Emotions

This session will cover topics on Understanding the difference between emotions & feelings; Healthy ways to cope and manage our emotions; Caregiver guilt, and Tips for better emotional health.


Coping Through the Holidays

This session will cover topics on Knowing your holiday stressors and expectations; Ways to cope with holiday stress; Learn about responding vs reacting in times of family tension; Covering grief, loneliness, depression, anxiety; The holiday season during a pandemic and relaxation techniques.


Family Caregivers Mental Health:

Anxiety & Depression

This session will cover topics on Understanding anxiety & depression; Coping and strategies for caregivers; Treatment and Support services.


Habits, Routines & Self-Care

This session will cover topics on Goals; Designing a routine; The stages of habit formation; Self-Efficacy; Motivation and Creating your self-care plan.


Youth Mental Health Centre

Canadian Mental Health Association of Simcoe County

10-20% of Canadian youth have a mental illness or disorder. 

Canada has the third-highest youth suicide rate in the industrialized world.

Early treatment and intervention lead to improved recovery and lower risk of relapse.

The Canadian Mental Health Association is a non-profit organization that provides direct services to people struggling with mental health and addiction issues and their families. The youth services at CMHA support those between the ages of 12 to 24. Services range from crisis intervention to counselling and case management depending on individual needs. The common goal across all our youth services is to help youth explore the impact of mental health on their daily lives, improve their coping skills, and to encourage wellness.

$600,000 is the number to make this happen! Our Youth Mental Health Centre is good, but could be better with your help. The launch of the “Youth Shine” Campaign will make our centre more inviting and able to offer additional resources for our youth and families. Help us make our new youth mental health centre a reality.

To learn more about the Youth Shine Campaign, Click here

To Donate, Click here


BounceBack Ontario

BounceBack® is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.


Crisis Services


Family Mental Health Initiative of Simcoe County

90 Mulcaster St.

Barrie ON L4M 3M5

705-725-0363 / 1-800-324-3252
